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MWCC participates in the launch of PTEC innovation hub

MWCC participará en el lanzamiento del HUB de Innovación de la Plataforma Tecnológica Española de la Construcción (PTEC). Un espacio pionero dedicado a transformar el sector de la....


MWCC participates in the annual meeting CBRE Trends 2025: Transforming to transform

MWCC has participated in the annual Trends 2025 meeting, ‘Transforming to Transform’, organised by CBRE, a global leader in real estate services and investment management, and which is a founding partner of MWCC....


MWCC participa en la 15ª edición del Spain Investors Day

MWCC participated in the 15th edition of the Spain Investors Day (SID), held on 15 and 16 January 2025 in Madrid.


MWCC participates in Planet25

MWCC has participated in Planet25, a meeting led by the Community of Madrid and that has been developed in IFEMA on the 15th and 16th of February 2025, becoming one of the most important...


Landscape Architecture International Association se suma al ecosistema empresarial de MWCC

LAIA (Landscape Architecture International Association), a benchmark in the field of landscape architecture and the internationalisation of projects, has joined MWCC as a partner, an alliance that is committed to transforming the sector towards a more sustainable and innovative future.


MWCC and Aspain 11 Unidos por las Finanzas y el Emprendimiento Association join forces to promote entrepreneurship

The ASPAIN 11 Unidos por las Finanzas y el Emprendimiento Association and Madrid World Capital (MWCC) have signed a collaboration agreement with the aim of promoting the...


MWCC and DS Ranking present the ranking of the real estate sector in Spain

MWCC and DS Ranking have presented a new report on the evolution and outlook of the Spanish real estate market...


MWCC participates as a strategic partner of CONAMA 2024

MWCC has participated as a strategic partner in CONAMA 2024. The entity has presented for the National Environmental Congress (CONAMA) 2024, the reference forum on sustainability and the environment in Spain, two technical communications that stand out for their innovative approach as well as for their commitment to th...


MWCC and Madrid Excelente successfully conclude the toy donation campaign

Madrid Excelente and MWCC have celebrated their first Christmas solidarity campaign with the delivery of 300 toys that will be destined to children with cancer located in the Ronald McDonald Houses in Madrid and Valencia (with special attention to the children in Paiporta).


MWCC receives the Corporate 2024 Award

MWCC has been awarded the Corporate 2024 Award for the Best Social Values, a recognition that highlights its firm commitment to sustainability, social responsibility and the improvement of the urban environment...


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