VOTORANTIM CIMENTOS joins Madrid World Capital of Madrid


VOTORANTIM CIMENTOS joins Madrid World Capital of Madrid

VOTORANTIM CIMENTOS joins Madrid World Capital of Madrid

Votorantim Cimentos has just signed up to MWCC (Madrid World Capital). This alliance reinforces the commitment of both entities to innovation, sustainability and the development of more efficient and environmentally friendly infrastructures.

The adhesion of Votorantim Cimentos to MWCC is a strategic step to strengthen the construction ecosystem in Spain, promoting initiatives that foster the circular economy, energy efficiency and the reduction of the carbon footprint in the sector and positioning it as a centre of international reference in education, training and R+D+I.

With this union, Votorantim Cimentos joins a strategic collaboration platform that already has some of the most influential companies and institutions in the sector, consolidating MWCC as an international benchmark in urban solutions.

This is a further step by the company to deepen its strategy of sustainable development and decarbonisation of its activity, allying itself with other institutions to join forces. In fact, it is a founding member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, from where it works together with the Global Cement and Concrete Association to develop technology and solutions focused on reducing the carbon footprint.

Committed to combating the effects of climate change, Votorantim Cimentos has a strategy based on four pillars: investments in energy efficiency, use of alternative fuels, incorporation of new technologies for the use, storage and capture of CO2 and manufacture of low-carbon cements. 

Sustainability at Votorantim Cimentos

Votorantim Cimentos is a founding member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and, in coordination with the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA), invests in innovation and the development of joint solutions to reduce its carbon footprint. Its 2030 objectives are focused on reducing its environmental footprint, increasing the operational efficiency of its processes and the use of renewable energies. It is also committed to clean technologies that minimise the use of natural resources and reduce emissions and energy consumption, as well as the development of products and innovation projects that contribute to the decarbonisation of the planet.

About Votorantim Cimentos

Votorantim Cimentos is a building materials and sustainable solutions company with more than 12,000 employees. Its portfolio of building materials includes cement, concrete, mortars and aggregates. It also has businesses in the areas of agricultural products, waste management and co-processing. Its operations are strategically located close to the most important growth markets in eleven countries: Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Canada, Luxembourg, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Spain, the United States and Uruguay.

Votorantim Cimentos in Spain

Votorantim Cimentos is present in Spain with the brands Cementos Cosmos, Cementos Teide, Prebetong Áridos, Prebetong Hormigones and Morteros Pulmor and has cement factories in Alconera (Badajoz), Córdoba, Málaga, Niebla (Huelva), Oural (Lugo) and Toral de los Vados (León); cement mills in Tenerife and Bobadilla (Malaga); concrete and mortar plants and aggregate operations in Andalusia, the Canary Islands, Castile and Leon, Extremadura and Galicia.

About MWCC

MWCC is an entity promoted by the Madrid City Council and the Community of Madrid, which since its foundation pursues the following objectives: to position the Madrid brand internationally; to attract international investment to the city and region; to turn Madrid into an international hub for urban solutions. To this end, MWCC has created a collaborative public-private entrepreneurial ecosystem made up of more than 189 entities.