MWCC joins the Madrid 2050 project: ‘Urban and territorial planning: success stories’.


MWCC joins the Madrid 2050 project: ‘Urban and territorial planning: success stories’.

MWCC joins the Madrid 2050 project: ‘Urban and territorial planning: success stories’.

MWCC has joined the Madrid 2050 project, presented at the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM). A project led by the COAM and the Office of the New General Urban Development Plan of Madrid. At this conference, the working groups and objectives of the Madrid 2050 project were presented, and urban and territorial planning was addressed through various success stories.

MWCC has joined this permanent interest group for the sustainable urban development of Madrid, in which the three administrations and the main urban developments in the region participate. This group of influence is structured around four main axes: housing, mobility and infrastructures, public space and facilities as well as regeneration and rehabilitation.

Its aim is to become a key meeting point to address and resolve the common challenges of new urban developments, responding with quality, in time and form, to the expectations and rights of citizens.

Myriam Peón, Director General of the Office of the New General Urban Development Plan of Madrid, gave a presentation entitled ‘Dream Madrid as a starting point for Madrid 2050’, where she introduced the pillars of the Madrid 2050 project and the New General Urban Development Plan of Madrid.

MWCC will participate in the urban and territorial planning of the city and the region, as a key associative element of Madrid.