MWCC participates in the Architecture 2024 Awards


MWCC participates in the Architecture 2024 Awards

Image MWCC participates in the Architecture 2024 Awards

MWCC has once again participated in the Architecture 2024 Awards, organised by the Spanish Higher Council of Architects' Associations (CSCAE). A ceremony where the projects that have contributed the most to the common good and sustainable development were recognised.

The event brought together architects, urban planners, engineers and personalities from the cultural and political spheres. The awards, considered one of the most important in the field of architecture in Spain, highlighted excellence and innovation in various architectural projects that promote a positive impact on society.

In total, 9 awards were presented: three special distinctions and six value awards. In addition, the architect Josep Llinàs received the highest distinction awarded by the profession in our country, the prestigious Gold Medal of Architecture, and the Alejandro de la Sota Foundation received the Lluís Comerón Graupera Architect Award.

The president of the CSCAE, Marta Vall-llossera, stressed that "to recognise good Architecture and good Urban Planning is to recognise their capacity to improve people's wellbeing and quality of life", and focused on the importance of collaboration between all the agents of the sector and the Public Administrations to improve and preserve the singularities of our towns, cities and territories.

MWCC will continue to support the strategic partner, CSCAE, of the largest public-private collaboration ecosystem in Spain.