MWCC participates in the development of the CSCAE's #ForjamosCimientosDeIgualdad (We Build Foundations of Equality) campaign


MWCC participa en el desarrollo de la campaña #ForjamosCimientosDeIgualdad del CSCAE

MWCC participa en el desarrollo de la campaña #ForjamosCimientosDeIgualdad del CSCAE

MWCC has participated in the development of the CSCAE's #ForjamosCimientosDeIgualdad (We Build Foundations of Equality) campaign and the CSCAE's 2030 Observatory, which includes

#ArquitecturasParaLaIgualdad, which is a compendium of all the cases that have been part of the #ForjamosCimientosDeIgualdad initiative.


#ForjamosCimientosDeIgualdad aims to highlight the positive impact that the incorporation of female talent into the construction sector has on the quality of the built environment and to serve as inspiration to other women. #ForjamosCimientosDeIgualdad contributes to deseasonalising the fight for equality within the sector and in society in general.


#ForjamosCimientosDeIgualdad has the collaboration of all the Colleges of Architects and, through the CSCAE's 2030 Observatory, has managed to mobilise public administrations, such as the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda; institutions such as the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and the Catalan Building Institute (ITeC); companies such as Iberdrola, Cosentino, SIKA and Asemas; associations such as Madrid Capital Mundial de la Construcción, la Ingeniería y la Arquitectura and the Healthy Architecture Observatory; and professionals such as prestigious architecture researchers.