The Center for Innovation in Circular Economy and the Madrid Capital Mundial Capital association sign a collaboration agreement


The Center for Innovation in Circular Economy and the Madrid Capital Mundial Capital association sign a collaboration agreement

imagen The Center for Innovation in Circular Economy and the Madrid Capital Mundial Capital association sign a collaboration agreement
  • The cooperation between both entities will consolidate in Madrid the promotion of entrepreneurship, sustainability and the circularization of Madrid companies.
  • The alliance marks a milestone for the entire value chain of the construction sector in Madrid in the progress to promote the incorporation of the principles of the circular economy.


The Circular Economy Innovation Center (CIEC Madrid) of the Madrid City Council and the Madrid World Capital association (MWCC), which brings together the main agents of the engineering, construction and architecture of the capital and its entire value chain, have signed a collaboration agreement.

The agreement seeks to facilitate and consolidate the relationship and synergies between organizations, companies and public and private institutions that make up both entities or belong to their ecosystems.

The CIEC Madrid – MWCC collaboration will especially prioritize joint actions that involve agents from the engineering and construction sector, areas of economic activity that in recent years have been experiencing and accelerating changes in their operating and business models on the path to greater sustainability, both environmental and economic.

The construction sector grew by 26% in the Community of Madrid during 2022, where 4,104 works were recorded compared to 3,249 in 2021, and its budget increased to 9,344 million euros, a growth of 47.9%.

MWCC becomes part of the large group of “driver organizations” of CIEC Madrid, which include companies such as Agbar, Mahou San Miguel, Clarke Modet, KPMG and Cirtec among others. The diverse nature of the CIEC Madrid driving organizations reflects the transversality of the impact and challenges that the circular economy presents for the business ecosystem in general and Madrid in particular.

In this context, the agreement between MWCC and CIEC Madrid especially covers the union of both ecosystems in the development of joint actions, support on issues related to the circular economy and entrepreneurship, and communication. The signing also occurs at a time of years of growth in the construction sector and the Madrid economy, which in 2022 grew 26% and 5% above the national average, respectively.

The alliance between the two entities is based on public-private collaboration and joins the efforts of the capital city council to accelerate and consolidate innovative business models that are respectful of the environment and the use of resources.

David Garcia Nuñez, president of MWCC, has stressed that this agreement “is the beginning of a necessary relationship as entities promoted by the Madrid City Council. A relationship that will undoubtedly enable us to investigate, analyze and create initiatives that will positively impact the city as well as the companies that are part of the MWCC business fabric.”

For the CIEC, Aranzazu Echezarreta, Coordinator of the CIEC Madrid, comments “This alliance represents a fundamental milestone in the fulfillment of the CIEC’s mission to energize the business ecosystem of Madrid and promote the adoption of the principles of the circular economy, particularly in “the construction sector”

About MWCC

MWCC is an association promoted by the Madrid City Council and the Community of Madrid whose purpose is the relationship and cooperation between partners for the strengthening, revitalization, expansion and promotion of urban solutions, as well as the associated industry and materials.

Made up of 187 partners, MWCC works to position Spain, and in particular its capital, as an international reference center in education, training and R&D&I, in advice, design, construction, financing and project management, as well as in organization of conferences, conferences and fairs.

About the CIEC, the new “hub” of the circular economy

The CIEC Madrid is an initiative launched by the Government Area of Economy, Innovation and Finance of the Madrid City Council, which seeks to promote in the capital an ecosystem of innovation and experimentation of solutions based on sustainability and circularity.

Since 2022, it has offered specialized services to companies, entrepreneurs and interested citizens, including mentoring programs, training, events and free workshops.

It has in its facilities a digital design FabLab open to citizens and the SBN Lab Inclusion, a space that integrates vulnerable groups in the process of transition to the circular economy, developing innovative solutions based on nature and promoting the creation of a participatory ecosystem where experts and agents from all sectors cooperate in the creation of inclusive projects.