MWCC and WIRES sign an alliance to achieve a strategic position in the engineering, construction and architecture sector


MWCC and WIRES sign an alliance to achieve a strategic position in the engineering, construction and architecture sector

image MWCC and WIRES sign an alliance to achieve a strategic position in the engineering, construction and architecture sector

The Madrid World Capital Association of Construction, Engineering and Architecture (MWCC) and the WIRES Association (Women in Real Estate Spain), have signed an alliance with the aim of achieving a strategic position in the engineering, construction and architecture sector. The agreement includes the incorporation of WIRES directors and managers to the different MWCC working groups, thus increasing their participation in the different collaborative bodies of MWCC.

Furthermore, strategic collaboration actions, participation in different observatories and panels will be developed between both entities; execution of sector-specific agreements, all with the aim of improving the local, regional and national economy, as well as giving greater visibility to the construction, engineering and architecture sectors.

It is a cross-cutting agreement that brings together the incorporation of different experts in various disciplines and that will deepen, as an ultimate goal, in improving the quality of life of citizens, in the establishment of new models of mobility and urban connectivity, in a new way of conceptualizing cities and, of course, in innovation, sustainability and training.

In the words of the president of WIRES, Carmen Panadero “joining MWCC as a professional association of directors, CEOs and real estate advisers is key. We share MWCC’s vision that Madrid can and should enhance its international leadership, based on its leading sectors, since we live in the century of competition between cities and, we are sure that the cross-cutting talent that exists among our more than 370 partners will add great value to MWCC’s goals. ”

For David Garcia Núñez, president of MWCC, “the signed agreement is, once again, another example of the commitment of the Madrid Capital World Association of Construction, Engineering and Architecture, for Madrid, for Spain and for its citizens. The incorporation of WIRES will be an added value to the talent, work capacity, excellence and experience that all the components of the current work groups demonstrate daily ”.

About MWCC

The Madrid World Capital Association of Engineering, Construction and Architecture, is a project promoted by the Madrid City Council in 2016, it is an Association formed by public and private entities, companies, universities, architecture studios and engineering companies.

Our project was born with the purpose of improving the quality of life of citizens, enhancing the sectors in which Madrid had a competitive advantage and, at the same time, met two requirements: high qualification of human resources and intensive use of technology . Thanks to more than 100 interviews with experts and different round tables, we drew up a Strategic Plan for the Sector for Madrid, the first milestone of which was the constitution on March 4 of the Association “Madrid World Capital of Construction, Engineering and Architecture “. This document includes three main objectives: to promote these activities in the City and in Spain, to consolidate the international leadership of our companies and to make Madrid visible as the world reference center in our sector.
We believe that we are not fully aware of the enormous potential that resides in the City and, through this project, we want to take advantage of the entire ecosystem of Madrid, unique in the world, to achieve the objectives indicated above and thus contribute to a greater well-being of the population.

The vision of this project is comprehensive and transversal. Thus, we are part as partners or as collaborators academic and research entities – UPM, UAX, UFV, NEXT GENERATION, CEDEX and CSIC -, professional associations – AICCP, CICCP, Círculo de Empresarios, Madrid Demarcation, COAM, CSCAE and CITOP – , business associations – ASPRIMA, ASECI, AVINCO, OFICEMEN, AEV, AEMME, ASICA and TECNIBERIA -, associations of municipalities – GALSINMA, Sierra Oeste de Madrid -, public entities – CESCE, ESPAÑA GLOBAL, ICEX, ICO, IFEMA and MCalle 30, EMT, MIA -, large companies and SMEs – such as ACCIONA, AZIERTA, AZVI, CABIFY, CEMEX COMSA, DCN, EPTISA, FCC, Grupo SANJOSE, Grupo GMP, IECA, JOCA, METROVACESA, MOVO, RETINEO, SACYR, SODA Arquitectos, TORRE RIOJA – law firms – Cremades and Calvo Sotelo-, financial entities and consultants – BANCO CAMINOS, ICO, FOCE, EY, PWC-, other national and international entities – AEV, CONAMA, COTEC, FORÉTICA, FUNDACIÓN METRÓPOLI, GLOBAL SHAPERS, GREENWARD PARTNERS, IE PUBLIC TECH LAB, IABS, MADBIT, MADR ID CALLE 30, MADRID OPENCITY, MADRID FUTURO, MADRID SUBTERRA, TECMA RED, WIRES- or Administrations such as the Madrid City Council, Community of Madrid, SPAIN GLOBAL and MITERD, thus being an example of Public Private Collaboration with the shared objective of improving our quality of life.

About Wires

WIRES was born in 2015 with a very clear objective: to give visibility to women in the real estate sector. Today we are more than 370 members, directors and managers, working for this common goal. We do it through the positioning of our partners in events, which are already a reference in the sector, trying to ensure that in all professional events there is at least one woman on the panel and creating a network of trust that encourages networking and, therefore thus, the visibility of women in the professional real estate field.

We are an association of women managers in a specialized sector, above all with a professional approach, which has always fled from the gender fund. For WIRES it is vital to differentiate ourselves in this regard and it is one of our concerns that the purpose for which we work is always perceived.