MWCC and the A LA PAR Foundation sign a collaboration agreement to promote social and training actions with diversity at the center


MWCC and the A LA PAR Foundation sign a collaboration agreement to promote social and training actions with diversity at the center

imagen MWCC y la Fundación A LA PAR firman un acuerdo de colaboración para potenciar acciones sociales y formativas con la diversidad en el centro

Actions that will seek to enhance the visibility of people with intellectual disabilities in the business and institutional world and contribute to their participation in a society that is more receptive and sensitive to their needs.

  • David Garcia Núñez: “Our vocation of public service as well as the response to the business needs of the sector (of people with intellectual disabilities) take on special relevance with the signing of this agreement.”
  • Almudena Martorell: “This alliance with A LA PAR also places Madrid as the epicenter of accessibility: a responsible and committed city in which people with intellectual disabilities have a lot to contribute.

The Madrid Capital World Association of Construction, Engineering and Architecture and the A LA PAR Foundation, an entity that works for the rights of people with intellectual disabilities and their full participation in society, have signed a collaboration agreement to promote different social actions , training in Madrid.

Thanks to the agreement signed this Friday, specific projects will be developed for the integration of people with intellectual disabilities in different entities, the dissemination of equality will be promoted through joint communication actions. Specific events will be held that promote training and mutual information and that make it possible to improve the quality of life and the work projection of the group.

In the words of the president of the A LA PAR Foundation, Almudena Martorell “it is a pride to sign with an entity that pursues the construction of an innovative, sustainable and leading capital in various fields and that, from today, with this alliance with A LA PAR , also places Madrid as the epicenter of accessibility: a responsible and committed city in which people with intellectual disabilities have a lot to contribute ”.

For David Garcia Núñez, President of MWCC, “the signed agreement is one more step in the integration and dissemination of our values, mission and founding objectives. Our vocation of public service as well as the response to the business needs of the sector, take on special relevance with the signing of this agreement ”.

About the A LA PAR Foundation:

The A LA PAR Foundation works with people with intellectual disabilities for their rights and their participation in our society. Believe that this way it will be richer and more diverse. Around this mission, the Foundation has grown in both the number of services and the number of people served, about a thousand today, and employs almost 500.

It designs support wherever the person with intellectual disability encounters barriers to their participation: education, employment, housing, leisure, sports, health, justice … It also seeks to promote a solid network of bridges in all areas of society so that people with intellectual disabilities are increasingly involved in it.

Created in 1948, its trajectory in these years makes it today a benchmark, national and international, in the field of intellectual disability. His greatest endorsement are these more than 70 years of exemplary and commitment to the dignity of people. Fight for a better world: she is convinced that it is an achievable ideal.

Included in the 2008 Business Guide created by the United Nations and being one of the 85 NGOs in the world (only 2 Spanish) most trusted to form alliances with companies.