MWCC will participate in the I International Congress “Architecture and Person” organized by the Francisco de Vitoria University


MWCC will participate in the I International Congress “Architecture and Person” organized by the Francisco de Vitoria University

image MWCC will participate in the I International Congress “Architecture and Person” organized by the Francisco de Vitoria University


MWCC will participate in the I International Congress “Architecture and Person”, which will be held in a mixed face-to-face model – online from September 27 to October 1. The congress has been organized by the School of Architecture of the Francisco de Vitoria University, an academic partner of MWCC.

This congress was born as a response to the important and urgent reflection that, in light of the world situation, is necessary on the role of architecture, its true nature and social, cultural and economic mission. This rethinking forces us to also address how architecture is taught in the university and how it is shown to society in the media and social networks. The sign of the times challenges us with an unprecedented and global situation that invites us to reconsider the way we use the built space and the way we relate to it and each other, also in the classroom. Thus, a new format of education is born, full of possibilities and dangers.

The meeting will revolve around: the teacher (vocation and sense of teaching), student (awakening, discovering, deciding), community, change (responses to new paradigms), service (training to transform the world).

MWCC will participate in the presentations, exposing different success stories that further enhance and strengthen the relationship between University and Business.

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About the Francisco de Vitoria University

The Francisco de Vitoria University is part of a network of universities that integrates higher education institutions in Europe, the United States, Mexico and South America.

It began its journey more than 25 years ago with four majors and 378 students and with the clear objective of recovering the original essence of the University, whose base is the humanities, with a Catholic, open and international inspiration, promoting an integral formation to all its university community by training competent professionals capable of improving the environment in which they live and carry out their work.

About MWCC

MWCC is the sum of more than 100 public and private entities whose main task is to position the city of Madrid as an international reference center in training, training and R + D + i in consulting, design, construction, financing and project management.