MWCC to participate in the Madrid 2050 think tank on the sustainable urban development of Madrid

MWCC will participate in the Madrid 2050 think tank on the sustainable urban development of Madrid, presented by the dean of the Official College of Architects of Madrid,Sigfrido Herráez, the president of ASPRIMA, Carolina Roca, and the director general of Forética, German Granda.
This is a permanent initiative, promoted by the COAM and ASPRIMA, which has the support of the three administrations -which will be represented at the event-, and which and the collaboration of Forética, to which the main urban developments in the region are invited the main urban developments in the region are invited to attend.
This group of influence is born with the vocation of becoming a useful meeting point to address and solve common challenges.To address and resolve the common challenges of new urban developments, and to respond with quality, in time and form to the general interest, expectations and rights of citizens. And rights of citizens; it is articulated around four main axes: housing, mobility and infrastructures and infrastructures, public space and facilities, and regeneration and rehabilitation.
One of the objectives of this interest grouping is to organise an annual international forum on the sustainable urban development of the city. On the sustainable urban development of Madrid, and to consolidate the Community of Madrid and the of Madrid and the capital as a leading-edge territory, monitoring its transformation for international its transformation with a view to its international promotion, improve urban management by streamlining and optimising and optimisation of processes and procedures, as well as the promotion of architectural and urban quality. and urban quality, measuring and assessing the functional, social, economic and environmental impact of the functional, social, economic and environmental impact of the urban planning and building of new developments. developments.