MWCC signs the Manifesto Cimientos de Igualdad


MWCC signs the Manifesto Cimientos de Igualdad

image MWCC signs the Manifesto Cimientos de Igualdad

MWCC has signed the Manifesto for equal opportunities for a more sustainable and competitive construction sector.

The key factors that explain the benefits of a profession based on diversity and equality are better overall performance, competitive advantage, better financial results, plurality of perspectives, greater customer satisfaction, improved performance of projects with social impact, greater creativity.

Data from the Labor Force Survey (EPA) show that only 8.4 of the professionals in the sector are women. The year 2019 closed with 6.9% fewer women working in the sector, while the percentage of men increased by 1%. Women employed in the sector have a very remarkable training, with a Higher Education level of 66%. Regarding the positions they occupy, it is striking that 52% of them are administrative, accounting or financial.

According to the EJE & CON report “Good Practices for the management of talent and the competitiveness of companies”, 83% of companies in the industry and construction sector admit that they have none or have less than 10% of women in their boards of directors, which places this sector in last place in terms of participation of women on boards. As for the number of women in senior management, it is below 10% in 67% of the companies participating in the study.

Due to its varied business structure, the construction sector is the second largest generator of employment in Spain after agriculture.

The new impulse of the sector, based on the sustainable rehabilitation of our housing stock, digitization and industrialization, will be in the coming years one of the main levers for the economic recovery of our country, generating quality, stable and sustainable employment.

Therefore, professionals in the real estate sector and construction and building in Spain undertake:

  • Make the construction sector more attractive and modern for the incorporation of young women based on new trends in design and implementation production processes based on digitization and industrialization.
  • Link the sector with the commitment to sustainability and the circular economy as a pending, necessary challenge and an opportunity for employment and development and innovation, to attract women towards the beginning of their professional career in the sector, promoting quality employment and with future.
  • Achieve the commitment of companies and entities in the sector to develop gender diversity policies, including the promotion of women to managerial positions.
  • Promote mentoring programs so that women can assume leadership roles in organizations.
  • Promote gender equality in the sector and communicate good practices to achieve gender equality
  • Guarantee transparency and fair remuneration to achieve equal pay between the sexes.
  • Promote work-life balance policies, as part of the general objective of health and well-being, and support diverse professional development
  • Develop transparent, fair, inclusive and impartial hiring and employment processes