MWCC adheres to the manifesto for the industry promoted by Industry Talks


MWCC adheres to the manifesto for the industry promoted by Industry Talks

imagen MWCC adheres to the manifesto for the industry promoted by Industry Talks

MWCC has joined the industry manifesto promoted by Industry Talks.

The reasons for joining are clear:

  • Industrial companies invest intensively in R+D+i with the aim of permanently being at the forefront of digitization and sustainability, creating quality employment, putting the professional at the center and boosting populations from an economic point of view. and regions.
  • Industry is the backbone of territorial cohesion, creating poles of auxiliary activity, fostering the growth of the population and consequently of the services sector. A strong, prosperous and sustainable national economy needs a broad, modern, creative industrial fabric with the capacity for continuous growth.
  • We have to collaborate, add, to convey to society the importance and needs of the industry and offer the Public Administrations greater arguments and tools for the allocation of resources and policies to the sector.


The objectives of the manifesto are:

  • Put the industry at the center of the debate
  • Carry out events and informative tasks across all industrial sectors to RAISE VISIBILITY TO CIVIL SOCIETY OF THE IMPACT OF THE INDUSTRY from an economic, demographic and transformative point of view, both current and potential, in the different territories of Spain.
  • Collaborate in the preparation of determined, ambitious and urgent training programs to bring the INDUSTRY TO THE SCHOOL with activities and contents adapted to Primary and Secondary Education that can have continuity in the ongoing Vocational and University Training programs.


Join the manifesto and sign