MWCC present at the presentation of the TECH Business PlaNET Madrid 24 (PlaNET24) in the European Commission Headquarters


MWCC present at the presentation of the TECH Business PlaNET Madrid 24 (PlaNET24) in the European Commission Headquarters

imagen MWCC presente en la presentación del TECH Business PlaNET Madrid 24 (PlaNET24) en la Sede de la Comisión Europea

The European Commission Headquarters has hosted the presentation of the event “Towards PlaNET24”. The conference will take place on 18

and 19 September this year and will be the technological showcase that will highlight clusters and HUBs in the technological and business world.

Among the different clusters, those related to Artificial Intelligence, Digital and Connected Industry, Metaverse, Cities and Sustainability, Fintech, Audiovisual Technologies, Big Data, Digital Humanities and Applied Biomedical Technology were present.

The Headquarters has received different clusters, HUBs and media in a presentation event. It was attended by the Economic Advisor of the European Commission,

Beatriz Alvargonzalez welcomed the guests. “From the European Commission we are hopeful with this project to give a voice to the technology sector […] this sector is very useful in Madrid, but not only that, but also in Spain and in Europe.

Spain and Europe. This initiative is a responsibility for us and one of our main priorities at the moment”.

PLANET 24 is going to become a hopeful challenge for the Community of Madrid.PlaNET24 aims to help SMEs to navigate in a technological environment and understand how to grow their business. In addition, it will be a showcase where to give visibility to the innovation ecosystem of clusters and Hubs of the Community of Madrid and the Madrid City Council. Finally, PlaNET24 is designed to

multiply the connectivity of the business and entrepreneurial fabric.