MWCC present at the presentation of the General Plan office, which will design the Madrid of the future


MWCC present at the presentation of the General Plan office, which will design the Madrid of the future

imagen MWCC present at the presentation of the General Plan office, which will design the Madrid of the future

MWCC, as a participating entity and representative of the economic and social life of the city and region of Madrid, has been present at the presentation of the Office of the General Urban Planning Plan (PGOUM) whose main mission will be to draft the new municipal text and give response to one of the Government’s main commitments: the approval of the new PGOUM Madrid 360.

The Office is promoted by the Madrid City Council and supported by the Community of Madrid. The spirit of the birth of this office, that of the collaboration of the entire society in the design of a better city, has been embodied in the launch of this new body, which has had the presence of a hundred representatives of schools professionals, academics, entities from the urban planning sector, the economic world and neighborhood associations.

Under the motto of the first day of the office, ‘Sueña Madrid’, the creation of the Urban Advisory Council or the approval of the Urban Planning Standards was presented. We are in a historic moment for the city of Madrid and for the Community that involves adding alliances and collaboration.

The office, whose headquarters have been established at number 5 Plaza de la Villa under the motto ‘Sueña Madrid’, will be a meeting space from which to carry out a deep collaborative process with the neighbors and the different sectors involved in the capital. It will be a place to connect the ideas and needs of everyone with the purpose of responding to the three challenges that Madrid has and that the new PGOU Madrid 360 aims to solve. On the one hand, the problem of housing, achieving the construction of new homes at an affordable price so that citizens can live in the capital of Spain and, in turn, attract talent.

On the other hand, the transformation of the city to generate a new, friendlier, greener public space. Finally, environmental sustainability as an essential factor in urban planning, but also economic and social sustainability and sustainability with heritage, that is, any urban development that is addressed will have to be respectful of the set of protected assets of the city.

In this office, the City Council aims to design the Madrid that the next generations need in a space that combines the energy and potential of current Madrid, its consolidation and the progress towards an even better territory, also guaranteeing legal security in planning matters. urban, respecting the quality of life of citizens and attracting investment and employment.

Diagnosis, development and writing of the PGOU

The PGOUM Office will begin by developing a diagnosis of the situation. Madrid is in the best moment in its history. Far from settling, it wants to consolidate itself among the most advanced cities in the world. Subsequently, the office will carry out a great collaboration process to “dream big.” At that point, all interested sectors and citizens will intervene. With the analysis and information collected, the pillars that will give life to the new general plan will be supported.