MWCC present at the first anniversary of Prensa Ibérica


MWCC present at the first anniversary of Prensa Ibérica

imagen MWCC present at the first anniversary of Prensa Ibérica

MWCC has been present at the first anniversary of Prensa Ibérica.

Among the objectives of Prensa Ibérica stands out knowing the facts, contrasting them and providing the reader with the interpretative keys with which to understand reality, favoring a collective and constructive reflection on the great issues that concern Spanish citizens. This journalistic effort has made it possible to build, on paper and digital media, a coherent, credible daily account of current affairs, committed to the values of independence and quality that have guided Prensa Ibérica since its origins.

The medium has reached two and a half million unique visitors on digital.

From MWCC we wish you a happy anniversary and we encourage you to continue working in a plural way, with freedom, criteria, rigor, objectivity, seriousness and commitment.