MWCC participates in the second edition of the BENIMOV forum


MWCC participates in the second edition of the BENIMOV forum

imagen MWCC participa en la segunda edición del foro BENIMOV

MWCC has participated in the second edition of the BENIMOV forum, held from September 8 to 11 in Benidorm. It is a meeting point on urban mobility, vehicles and sustainable technology that is becoming a national and international reference due to the relevance of both the speakers and the topics discussed.

MWCC was invited to participate through its Technical Director, Armando Ortuño, who presented international trends on sustainable mobility, taking advantage of the fact that it is the only Spanish entity that is a member of the GI-HUG Academic Advisory Panel, belonging to the G20.

During his speech, he justified the priority in infrastructure investment for the next one given its high multiplier effect on the economy and the need to reverse the effects of climate change.

In this regard, he highlighted the urgency for these infrastructure investments to triple the current levels by 2030, for which the mobilization of the private sector through the formulation of public-private participation models in both developed and developing countries is essential. developmental.

He also commented on innovative systems to improve public participation and social acceptance of public investments through the application of the metaverse, the reduction of operating costs through digital twins or new infrastructure financing models through the application of systems such as the “Land CaptureValue”.