MWCC participates in the 15th Corresponsables Awards

MWCC has participated in the 15th Corresponsables Awards, which paid tribute to the victims of the DANA. The awards distinguish the best practices in Social Responsibility, Sustainability and SDGs, as well as the best co-responsible communication actions.
The event has had a great impact online, reaching more than 40,000 attendees, more than 55,000 streaming views, more than 750 tweets with the hashtag #XVPremiosCorresponsables and more than 12.5 million impressions of related publications. Throughout its 15 editions, the Corresponsables Awards have established themselves as a major international benchmark in the sector, reaching the figure of 6,777 entries from 17 Spanish-speaking countries. With 972 entries from 25 countries, the awards reflect the growing international participation in the promotion of good practices and sustainability.
This edition of the 15th edition of the Corresponsables Awards was marked by an emotional tribute to the victims of the hurricane that struck several communities.
Throughout its 15 editions, the Corresponsables Awards have established themselves as an international benchmark in the recognition of Social Responsibility and Sustainability. These awards inspire more organisations to commit to a fair, inclusive and sustainable future.