MWCC participates in the presentation of the ‘Social Action Report of Spanish companies abroad’, prepared by the PwC Foundation and the CEOE Foundation


MWCC participates in the presentation of the ‘Social Action Report of Spanish companies abroad’, prepared by the PwC Foundation and the CEOE Foundation

imagen MWCC participates in the presentation of the ‘Social Action Report of Spanish companies abroad’, prepared by the PwC Foundation and the CEOE Foundation

MWCC has participated in the presentation of the ‘Social Action Report of Spanish companies abroad’, prepared by the PwC Foundation and the CEOE Foundation.

The PwC Foundation and the CEOE Foundation estimate that the contribution of Spanish companies abroad amounts to 250 million euros, which benefits more than 38 million people and involves more than 47,000 volunteers.

The document, which analyzes 178 projects and initiatives carried out by 64 companies, underlines that the social action of Spanish companies abroad has a global scope. However, he explains that the Spanish company tends to concentrate its social action in certain geographies: 51% of the projects analyzed are present in Latin America, which is the most covered region, followed by sub-Saharan Africa, which concentrates 23% of the projects. Projects.

By Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the number 3, on health and well-being (with 30% of the projects having a direct impact) and number 4, on quality education (the 24% of the projects).

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were defined in September 2015 by the Member States of the United Nations as principles to reduce poverty, protect the planet and guarantee peace and prosperity.

However, their evolution has not followed the path established when they were defined and, after the impact of the pandemic, the need for annual investment to meet the SDGs has grown globally to 6.4 trillion dollars (7.4 % of global GDP); with an estimated annual deficit of 3.7 trillion annually, 30% higher than pre-Covid-19 figures.

Social action makes it possible to address those SDGs that are less impacted by the direct economic activity of private companies, among which the following stand out: Zero hunger; Health & Wellness; Quality education; Gender equality; o Clean water and sanitation.

The report identifies its contribution to projects developed by NGOs and third sector agents, in addition to a multitude of projects developed directly by the company (or by various companies in alliance) and which are often related to its main activity.