MWCC participates in the inauguration of the Global Mobility Call, the largest international mobility event


MWCC participates in the inauguration of the Global Mobility Call, the largest international mobility event

imagen MWCC participates in the inauguration of the Global Mobility Call, the largest international mobility event

MWCC has participated in the inauguration of the Global Mobility Call. The event was attended by the Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, together with senior representatives of the Autonomous and Local Public Administration.

MWCC has participated in the opening of the congress, through a dialogue held at the Urban Planning table, with Alfonso Vegara CEO and Founder of the Metrópoli Foundation. The conversation consisted of explaining the Madrid City for life project, which constitutes a real opportunity to transform the city through neighborhood hearts and the city’s radial mobility belts.

In turn, MWCC has moderated the round table “Decarbonization of cities through the implementation of Low Emission Zones”, within the Urban Planning table.

Borja Carabante, Delegate of the Environment and Mobility Area of ​​the Madrid City Council, explained Madrid 360 as a plan that clearly improves the quality of life of citizens through mobility. Luis Barcala, Mayor of Alicante, commented on the transformation of Alicante through mobility programs and plans that are currently being implemented in the city, making it a true tourist economic node in Levante. Jorge Ordás from the General Directorate of Traffic has shown the transversality of mobility as well as the need to implement real mobility plans based on traffic data. Finally, Ivo Cré deputy director of Polis, explained the mobility plans and programs implemented in different European cities.

Global Mobility Call was born as a great Spanish-branded event that will have a direct impact on the industry, generating wealth and employment, around the mobility sector, which is expected to attract an investment of 54,000 million euros and exceed one million jobs.

Global Mobility Call, will be key to the redefinition of the sustainable mobility of the future due to its integrating vocation of all the sectors that intervene in this transformation process, as well as for highlighting a content with all the themes that transversally cover the development of this activity. In total, 26 sponsors and 33 national and 12 international industry associations have joined the project, and the participation of more than 7,000 professionals is expected.

MWCC works to offer a public-private collaboration ecosystem that promotes projects, both present and future, that transform mobility in the short and medium term, integrate the multisectoral ecosystem.

Global Mobility Call is the largest initiative launched around sustainable mobility in which leading companies and national and international experts will draw the main lines of a transformation process that proposes a new conception of mobility where more sustainable and connected modes of transportation become relevant. transport, intelligent alternatives for movement in cities, new technologies that facilitate the transition and infrastructures that facilitate connected and intelligent transport.