MWCC carries out an international mission with representatives of the government of Guinea.


MWCC carries out an international mission with representatives of the government of Guinea.

MWCC carries out an international mission with representatives of the government of Guinea.

MWCC has designed and developed an international mission with representatives of the Government of Guinea. This mission was attended by the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, the Minister of Infrastructure and Public Works, the General Manager of the Agency for Major Projects (ACGP) as well as the Ambassador of the Republic of Guinea.

MWCC created a day in which the public representatives of Guinea, under the format of Internationalization Dialogues, presented the key projects to be implemented in the country, as well as the political, fiscal and legal security that has been implemented in the country. The meeting served to strengthen the ties between Guinea and Spain, with an interesting debate on opportunities for Spanish companies in Guinea, a country full of opportunities for growth and infrastructure.

The meeting was followed by a visit to the Madrid Calle 30 facilities, a sample of the strengths of the city's infrastructure. Madrid Calle M30 is one of the most important infrastructures for mobility and safety in Madrid. The purpose of the meeting was to show the operation and management of this advanced urban infrastructure.

The M30, a key element in the mobility of the Spanish capital, has a comprehensive traffic monitoring and control system that allows the real-time management of the circulation of millions of vehicles. The Guinean delegation showed great interest in the technological and operational aspects of the control room, exploring the possibility of applying similar systems in infrastructure projects in Guinea.

After the visit, the delegation was convened at the Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos where a meeting was held to exchange knowledge and evaluate future collaboration opportunities. They learned about the various initiatives to be developed in areas such as urban planning, road infrastructure and sustainable mobility solutions, highlighting the common interest in sharing best practices and developing joint projects that promote innovation in both countries.

This action reflects MWCC's commitment to facilitate the exchange of experiences between cities and international institutions, promoting the development of sustainable and advanced infrastructures at a global level, connecting cities and fostering the exchange of experiences, thus attracting and exporting investment.