MWCC supports the European Mobility Week 2021


MWCC supports the European Mobility Week 2021

image MWCC supports the European Mobility Week 2021

MWCC has joined the European Mobility Week 2021, promoted by the Ministry of Transport and Urban Agenda and the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.

The European Mobility Week is a campaign aimed at sensitizing both policy makers and citizens about the negative consequences of irrational car use in the city, both for public health and the environment, and the benefits of using more sustainable modes of transport such as public transport, cycling and walking.

This initiative arose in Europe in 1999 and from the year 2000 it had the support of the European Commission. It is held every year, from September 16 to 22, carrying out activities to promote sustainable mobility and promoting the development of good practices and permanent measures.

On September 22, the event “Car Free Day!” Is the origin of this European initiative, which aims to find new solutions to the problems associated with increased traffic in cities.

Sustainable, healthy and safe mobility

The theme chosen by the European Commission for this year’s 2021 campaign is “Sustainable, healthy and safe mobility” and the slogan of the campaign is “For your health, move sustainably”.

The European Commission has wanted to focus on health, both physical and mental, linked to the ways of traveling in a sustainable way through our municipalities.

Spain leader in participation

Spain, for many years, has led the participation in the European Mobility Week. Last year of the 2,945 participating European cities, 531 cities were Spanish, with 1,890 permanent measures presented. These permanent measures are a criterion promoted by the Spanish coordination since 2001 to give credibility and joint responsibility to the project.

It should be noted, as in other editions, the participation of civil society, social organizations, institutions and companies, which carry out during the SEM, activities related to sustainable mobility to raise awareness among citizens in their areas of influence, about individual benefit and collective change in behavior when choosing a non-polluting mode of transport. Along these lines, we must highlight the support for Mobility Action, which are good practices on mobility in companies, social organizations and institutions (not city councils), an initiative that has been promoted by the Spanish coordination and disseminated throughout Europe.