MWCC and the #InfraestructurasCovid team of volunteers publish the report “Infraestructuras Covid”


MWCC and the #InfraestructurasCovid team of volunteers publish the report “Infraestructuras Covid”

image MWCC and the #InfraestructurasCovid team of volunteers publish the report “Infraestructuras Covid”

MWCC and the #InfraestructurasCovid team of volunteers have published the report “Infraestructuras Covid”. The situation caused by the COVID-19 virus has put and is putting pressure on the authorities, institutions, groups and people in charge of the operation and control of the critical and strategic infrastructures of the different territories and communities of the country. On the other hand, the group of ICCPs and other infrastructure experts has thousands of highly qualified professionals with knowledge and experience in the different areas related to infrastructure: planning, design, construction, maintenance, operation, etc.

One of the purposes of MWCC is to manage these capacities and resources – in a strategically ordered way – at the disposal of society, helping those responsible, where they are needed, to carry out their critical task of protecting and serving the population. . With this motivation, #InfraestructurasCovid was created to mobilize the “community of knowledge and practice” of infrastructures to serve those who are at the forefront of crisis management and ultimately society. In this regard, intergenerational solidarity, collaboration, work discipline, social responsibility, transparency, technical rigor and humility towards society and our colleagues in the profession are superior principles.

The problems posed by Covid19 in the field of mobility and infrastructures, like many other challenges of modern society, are not engineering, but health, social life and economic activity (all activities that undoubtedly depend on these infrastructures). These types of problems require new, cross-sectional approaches and methods, different from the structured analytical method.

The purpose of the report is to help the country and its communities overcome the crisis, taking advantage of MWCC and its experts with a new methodology of work for the common good.

You can download the report by clicking here.


About #InfraestructurasCovid

It is a community of volunteers, infrastructure professionals and other related sectors -engineers, architects, technicians, etc.- that have come together to collaborate during the COVID-19 pandemic with the aim of helping and guiding in a selfless and free way those who they make public and private decisions about infrastructure during the crisis, also for the benefit of the recovery phase and for the future. The initiative was created and coordinated by José Cordovilla, Civil Engineer and Chartered Engineer.