Madrid: world capital of engineering, construction and architecture


Madrid: world capital of engineering, construction and architecture

image Madrid: world capital of engineering, construction and architecture

The Madrid City Council, aware of the role of the different economic sectors in the city, began a process of analysis of those that showed competitive advantages on the international scale, resulting in engineering, construction and architecture as clearly leading by our companies and professionals in the world.

The Spanish leadership in the matter is palpable, as evidenced by the fact that seven Spanish construction companies are among the top fifty in the world for international turnover, leading the infrastructure concessions. Likewise, the city has several universities and centers located in the first places of the most prestigious training and research indexes in the world, which undoubtedly contributes to its Spanish professionals enjoying outstanding international recognition.

The need was detected to carry out a coordinated action of companies and administration to consolidate our presence in markets where we are a reference, but also to penetrate others in which that position is not yet outstanding, such as Africa or Asia.

On the other hand, the possibilities of Madrid to become the capital of the sector were investigated, since there is no city in the world positioned so advanced in the matter, which endorses the opportunity of this project.

To this are added other competitive advantages present in the city such as its excellent health system, security, tolerance or its high and diverse cultural, gastronomic and leisure offer. In short, the essential ingredients for attracting companies and talent.

All this work crystallized in the recent constitution of an association with the main objective of positioning Madrid as the world capital of the sector, which will result in the generation of employment in the form of attraction and retention of talent, the internationalization of Spanish companies and in a firm commitment to applied research, always in tune with progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, which encourages the implementation of sustainable construction that favors urban resilience.

The thirty-two entities, partners (FCC, Sacyr, Acciona, Asprima, Distrito Castellana Norte, Oficemen, UAX, UPM, Banco Caminos, COAM, CICCP, Demarcation Madrid CICCP, Avinco, Cesce, Eptisa, Cremades Calvo Sotelo, Foce, Observatorio 2030 from CSCAE, Ifema, Retineo, Soda, San Jose Construcción, 2BMice) and collaborating entities (Madrid City Council, ICEX, ICO, Tecniberia, Madrid Investment Attraction, Comunidad de Madrid, Fundación Metropoli, Fundación COTEC, Global Shappers, Conama) of The Association has approved a Strategic Plan, highlighting the following as actions to be implemented in the short-medium term:

  • Creation of a network of universities of excellence in which experiences in training and research are exchanged and annual prizes are awarded for Master’s Final Projects, Doctoral Theses and Start-ups, all with a focus on Madrid universities.
  • Need to stimulate the internal market. Undoubtedly, the participation of public and private entities in the association will help to strengthen the bonds of trust between them and that many necessary projects for the city and the country see the light.
  • In order to promote the internationalization of companies, both for those that have not yet done so and for those that already are and are considering establishing in other markets, the creation of a one-stop shop with services on project advice, risk is proposed -country, help with the processing or search for partners.
  • The possibility of locating in Madrid the most important Court of Arbitration in the international sector is contemplated.
  • Likewise, work is being done on the possible celebration in Madrid of the largest event in the world in the sector, with the idea that it be held every two years in our city and interspersed in other capitals of the world, to set Madrid as the benchmark for sector.
  • Similarly, attendance at national and especially international forums is planned, where to explain the potential of the city and the sector in general, as is the case of IMEX, the most important international business fair in Spain, or TXF, the world’s largest financing event to be held shortly precisely in Madrid.

In essence, in a historical moment of urgent need for economic recovery, construction, engineering and architecture are postulated as a great opportunity for the generation of national wealth and employment.

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