Madrid Capital Mundial joins the IMDEA Institutes as new collaborating entities


Madrid Capital Mundial joins the IMDEA Institutes as new collaborating entities

imagen Madrid Capital Mundial joins the IMDEA Institutes as new collaborating entities

The seven Madrid Institutes for Advanced Studies (IMDEA) have joined MWCC as collaborating entities. The IMDEA Institutes are seven research centers of excellence located in the Community of Madrid. They were established between 2006 and 2007 at the initiative of the regional government as independent foundations. They focus on seven strategic areas for society from a business, scientific and technological point of view: water, food, energy, materials, nanoscience, networks and software. An IMDEA Institute was created around each of these scientific areas.

The objective of the IMDEA Institutes is to carry out and promote R+D+i activities of excellence in the Madrid region and, by extension, in Spain, in close collaboration with the productive sector. They develop internationally recognized innovative science and technology, with the potential to be applied effectively to increase the competitiveness of the Madrid economy, the productivity of its companies, and the improvement of its public services.

To meet this objective, they transfer the results of the research to society through an efficient technology transfer model. They maintain close relations with the business fabric in all phases of the knowledge generation process. They also disseminate scientific knowledge, participating in scientific dissemination activities that seek to make society aware of the importance of science and technology. In addition, they facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and between the different agents of the Madrid science and technology system.

Since the constitution of the Institutes, there have been many research projects and contracts in which companies have participated or have been financed by them. For example, in 2021, of the 617 projects and contracts that have been worked on, approximately 29% have been research contracts with companies.

Part of the results of the research developed at the IMDEA Institutes is translated into patents and software registrations. Since 2007, the registration of 105 patents (of which 72 have already been granted) and 28 software developments have been requested.

For David Garcia Nuñez, president of MWCC, “the adhesion of the IMDEA Institutes is key and constitutes a sample of MWCC’s clear commitment to innovation, research, the economy and the Madrid and Spanish business sector.”

For David Serrano, director of IMDEA Energy and spokesperson for the seven IMDEA Institutes, “the adhesion of the IMDEA network to MWCC is a great opportunity to help meet several of the shared objectives: urban sustainability, improvement of energy efficiency and the brake on climate change”.

MWCC is a project that originated in 2016 and that in 2020 materialized in the form of an Association. Its mission is to contribute to the comprehensive development of urban solutions in Madrid and Spain, making it possible to improve the city of Madrid’s reputation, competitiveness, international influence and ability to attract talent and investment, as well as its sense of belonging. .

The MWCC Association is made up of representatives of Public Administrations, companies, foundations, associations, research centers, technological institutes and universities, representing the entire spectrum of agents involved in urban solutions.

The seven IMDEA Institutes, as new MWCC collaborating entities, hope to contribute with their research and innovation to fulfilling the proposed mission of improving competitiveness and attracting talent to Madrid and Spain as a whole. The seven research areas in which they are specialized can help create more sustainable, energy-efficient cities and, therefore, with fewer negative effects on climate change.