The Madrid World Capital Association of Construction, Engineering and Architecture, receives the award for the best public and private initiative by A. Económica


The Madrid World Capital Association of Construction, Engineering and Architecture, receives the award for the best public and private initiative by A. Económica

image The Madrid World Capital Association of Construction, Engineering and Architecture, receives the award for the best public and private initiative by A. Económica

The Madrid World Capital Association of Construction, Engineering and Architecture has received the award for “100 best ideas of the year” awarded by Actualidad Económica.

MWCC has been awarded as the best public-private initiative of 2021. The Madrid World Capital Association of Engineering, Construction and Architecture, is a project promoted by the Madrid City Council in 2016, it is an Association formed by public and private entities, companies, universities, architecture studios and engineering companies.

Our project was born with the purpose of improving the quality of life of citizens, enhancing the sectors in which Madrid had a competitive advantage and, at the same time, met two requirements: high qualification of human resources and intensive use of technology . Thanks to more than 100 interviews with experts and different round tables, we drew up a Strategic Plan for the Sector for Madrid, the first milestone of which was the constitution on March 4 of the Association «Madrid World Capital of Construction, Engineering and Architecture ». This document includes three main objectives: to promote these activities in the City and in Spain, to consolidate the international leadership of our companies and to make Madrid visible as the world reference center in our sector.

We believe that we aren´t  entirely aware of the enormous potential that resides in the City and, through this project, we want to take advantage of the entire ecosystem of Madrid, unique in the world, to achieve the objectives indicated above and thus contribute to a greater well-being of the population. The vision of this project is comprehensive and transversal.