Iberdrola joins the Madrid World Capital of Construction, Engineering and Architecture Association


Iberdrola joins the Madrid World Capital of Construction, Engineering and Architecture Association

imagen Iberdrola joins the Madrid World Capital of Construction, Engineering and Architecture Association

Iberdrola, global energy leader, the leading wind producer and one of the largest electricity companies by market capitalization in the world, has joined the Madrid World Capital of Construction, Engineering and Architecture Association (MWCC). This association strengthens these sectors both in the capital and throughout Spain, consolidating the international leadership of Spanish companies and making Madrid and Spain visible as the world reference center in the urban solutions sector.

Iberdrola joins the initiative as the leading exponent of the energy transition, thus combating climate change and allowing its experience and technical capacity to contribute to the consolidation of the Madrid World Capital of Construction, Engineering and Architecture project on a national and international level.

David García Núñez, president of MWCC, considers Iberdrola’s adhesion to MWCC to be exceptional: “Iberdrola’s adhesion is a clear commitment to the transformation of urban solutions that will be developed in the coming years in Madrid and Spain. It is a clear commitment to Smart Cities and the quality growth of cities. From MWCC we continue to weave the public and private ecosystem built in the infrastructure and cities sector”.

For Alberto García Casas, head of Smart Cities Private Business at Iberdrola: “This collaboration will allow the consolidation of electrification with the full conviction that it is the best way to decarbonize. This gives us the opportunity to participate in future developments, both new and from a rehabilitation perspective. Together we will work with other public and private agents, maintaining the focus on improving the quality of life of citizens, based on improving energy efficiency and economic and environmental sustainability”.

Among its collaborators and associates, the Association has leading technology companies, insurers, certifiers, financial and energy entities, construction companies, consultants, universities, public companies and national, regional and local entities, thus constituting a true example of public-private collaboration.

Iberdrola reaffirmed throughout the 2021 financial year its commitment to Madrid. The socioeconomic impact of energy exceeded more than 4,500 million euros in the region.

The fiscal impact was 460 million euros, and its investments were around 180 million euros. Last year alone, Iberdrola made purchases and contracted services to more than 1,200 Madrid companies for some 3,700 million euros