Forética and MWCC highlight sustainable mobility as a key lever for business action to achieve climate neutrality in cities


Forética and MWCC highlight sustainable mobility as a key lever for business action to achieve climate neutrality in cities

imagen Forética and MWCC highlight sustainable mobility as a key lever for business action to achieve climate neutrality in cities

MWCC and Forética have highlighted the importance of sustainable mobility as a lever that allows promoting business action for the transformation towards climate-neutral cities, within the framework of the second edition of the ‘Sustainable Cities 2030’ initiative – led by Forética and made up of a total of 25 companies and entities.

Transport is one of the most important sectors in our country in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment and, therefore, one of the pillars of our economy and essential for the daily functioning and operations of the State, companies and citizens. In turn, it is one of the most emitting sectors, since more than a third of national CO2 emissions come from transport. For this reason, sustainable mobility is a fundamental axis for achieving the goal of climate neutrality in cities, in line with the work of the European Commission Mission under the title ‘One hundred smart and climate-neutral cities by 2030’ and the citiES platform of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.

Sustainable mobility is also one of the six action levers identified in the report ‘Rethinking our cities. Towards a new model of sustainable urban development’, developed by Forética within the framework of ‘Sustainable Cities 2030’.

As key business solutions in this area, the report highlights the renewal of the vehicle fleet towards other less emitting ones, the installation of recharging points for electric vehicles in the company’s facilities or at the points of sale for use by employees or customers, the optimization of routes to reduce the number of sustainable kilometers traveled, collaboration with other companies in the center of cities for the use of urban distribution micro-platforms or the promotion of mobility to work for employees, among others. other initiatives.

Sustainable mobility: challenge and opportunity for companies

Adrián Muelas Gil, Advisor to the Cabinet of the Secretariat General of Transport and Mobility of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, who has transferred the main business ideas of the Safe, Sustainable and Connected Mobility Strategy 2030 and of the Draft Law on Sustainable Mobility and Transport Financing of Spain, in terms both as a business opportunity and as a positioning in terms of sustainability in cities.

Likewise, representatives of some of the companies participating in the ‘Sustainable Cities 2030’ initiative participated in the session, explaining their approaches to sustainable mobility from their different sectors.

In addition, during the event the incorporation of the Madrid Business Forum was announced as an ally of the meeting of the ‘Sustainable Cities 2030’ initiative.

The initiative is led by Forética and is made up of a total of 25 companies and entities, led by CEMEX, ENGIE and Sanitas. Accenture, Adif, Enagás, Endesa, FCC, Ferrovial, GSK, IBM, LafargeHolcim, Mahou, Mapfre, Metro Ligero Oeste, Metrovacesa, Naturgy, Reale Seguros, Sacyr and Urbaser also participate in this initiative.

As allies, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) forms part of the initiative at the global level, the CONAMA Foundation at the national level and the Business Forum for Madrid at the local level, the Madrid Nuevo Norte project and the Madrid World Capital of Construction, Engineering and Architecture. Likewise, Forética maintains strategic alliances with meetings of international relevance in this field such as the Smart City Expo World Congress or the Forum of Cities, in its different editions.

In the first edition of the ‘Sustainable Cities 2030’ initiative, Forética published the report ‘Rethinking our cities. Towards a new model of sustainable urban development’, which identifies six levers of action towards a more sustainable and inclusive city model in the context of post-COVID-19 recovery. Specifically in building as one of these levers, Forética published the report ‘Sustainable construction. Why is it key to the green recovery of cities?’, which analyzes the types of solutions and sustainable responses of companies in the construction sector.

In addition, in its trajectory on Sustainable Cities, Forética has projects such as the ‘Toolbox for adaptation to climate change in cities’, in collaboration with the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry of Transition Ecological and the Demographic Challenge, aimed at city councils at the national level to develop their strategies and actions for adaptation to climate change. Also the ‘Sustainable Life in Cities’ project, highlighting the best practices in CSR related to urban sustainability, which had the collaboration of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and the Spanish Office of Climate Change of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.