MWCC present at the 60th anniversary of Mensajeros de la Paz


MWCC present at the 60th anniversary of Mensajeros de la Paz

imagen MWCC presente en el 60 aniversario de Mensajeros de la Paz

MWCC has been present at the 60th anniversary of Mensajeros de la Paz. The entity has celebrated its anniversary at the COAM headquarters, attended by MWCC, the director of Social Responsibility.

It was founded in 1962 as Cruz de los Angeles by Padre Ángel and Ángel Silva Sánchez. Since then its priority has always been the human and social promotion of the most disadvantaged people in society, attending to the different social realities both nationally and internationally.

It is a non-governmental organization declared of public utility and of national and international scope and distinguished, among other awards, with the Prince of Asturias Award for Concord. They work in more than 75 countries and have more than 129,547 participants in 2021, more than 1,000 workers and more than 300 volunteers.

An association that helps children, young people, the elderly, women victims of violence, migrants, refugees, homeless people, an authentic public vocation.